BIT CONTROL SYSTEM ENTERPRISES (BCSE) Talks about their latest development in energy efficient elevator control system based on parallel technology.
Dwarka, New Delhi -- An often overlooked Anatomy of sustainable building is the changing face of elevator technology. “Green” elevators are designed to cut waiting times, effectively reducing energy consumption and the number of grumpy passengers.
BCSE has developed Parallel Technology, an efficient system that can save as much as 30 to 40 per cent on energy costs. This Technology can anticipate passengers’ travel, enabling the user to call an elevator before they leave their floor. An added advantage of these elevator controllers is that buildings require fewer elevators — an energy saving boon in itself — because of reduced waiting times. Parallel Technology is unarguably one of the most advanced elevator control system on the market because of its efficiency, says Virender Kanswal, Technical head of bit control system enterprises, India.
“As a passenger your waiting time frequency reduces drastically,” said Virender. The elevator is making fewer stops and using significantly less energy. “This system is 30 to 50 per cent more efficient as a result you can move more people with fewer elevators and you reduce your cost significantly.” Virender believes Parallel technology will become increasingly popular in India as the Power price sour to new heights.
Bit control system Enterprises (BCSE) is providing this technology to some of the leading elevator Manufacturers in India. In addition to Parallel Technology, BCSE also provides serial elevator control system –Which provides better efficiency as compare to some of the market competition , this technology requires less starting and braking current, and features sleep modes which is optional, which also considerably reduce energy consumption.
“Energy efficient elevators today have high demand in market demand. Ace Elevators, says there are other ways to reduce elevator energy consumption. They told us installing florescent or LED lighting inside the cabs and behind push buttons is an inexpensive remedy to the cost of installing a new energy-saving elevator, or even replacing an existing hydraulic system.
“From a Consumer perspective, due to budget constrain it’s not considered viable,” said a Building Contractor. “Replacing an elevator control system is Rs. 50,000 - Rs. 1, 20,000 because you’re looking at many other elevator components. Some builders want to do the right thing while others are having trouble keeping the building cost in a check, so switching to green elevators becomes the least of their concerns.”
The cost of going greener will decrease as demand rises, and it’s already become common in Delhi, says Sheerath, Research analyst she is been in the elevator industry for 10 years. “Part of what brings costs down is when demand starts to rise.”
Bit Control system Enterprises energy-efficient products for low-rise buildings aren’t more expensive than the standard control systems provide by other companies Product, but do cost 10 to 25 per cent more in high-rises, says Virender.
Mr. Sharma, Investor of BCSE, says the company commissioned a report towards exploring new technology for energy savings and concluded that regenerative systems is the latest field in which development needs to take place as it have become a hit of western countries.
“Creating an energy efficient system while keeping the cost down to minimal is our prime focus, we have invested quite a fortune in this and plan to invest more in future. Maintenance of our system won’t be as high as in other standard controllers that aren’t as conscious of energy consumption.”
Bit Control System is a microcontroller based company and will be providing solutions to home, industries and other segments. We manufacture, supply and provide services of microcontroller based solutions for all sections of activities, offering a wide range of products. Bit Control System helps in rendering business cycle by developing unique technologies, quality assurance, production, distribution and testing.
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