Wednesday, July 17, 2013 Announced Next Network Marketing Giant Even before the Prelanch

Expert from Says It’s a Golden Opportunity for everyone to become a Part of NETWORK MARKETING GIANT which is launching on AUGUST 1, 2013

Dallas, Texas -- If you want to become rich in a very short span of time and with less efforts then go and opt network marketing mlm business. As the name itself conveys the meaning, you don’t have to go so deep to understand the work concept. MLM business offers you a platform for standing in the line of network marketing and also to fulfil all your desires which can't be done in your present condition.
Network Marketing is another form of direct marketing. It is primarily more concerned with the organization of a sales network than with the sale itself. The networker mostly starts to build up its own business before helping then other business partners to build their own, similar to a franchisor.


In difference to franchising where only one company opens new branches, in Network Marketing each independent business owner can open new network businesses, but with low financial investigations and without risk. A networker undertakes the task to organize the network, to get paid for the sales qualified for bonus within that branch network.

Another feature of Network Marketing is to build up a transnational business by sponsoring international partners. Especially in Europe, Network Marketing represents one of the best examples how to make use of a single European market place. In Europe the Network Marketing business is still in its infancy. Only 0.7% of trading is currently made with Network Marketing.  So this distribution channel has a huge potential for growth in future all over the world.

The Three Pillars of Success in Network Marketing are:

1) Residual Income

2) Leverage (of Time and Money)

3) Duplication

Network Marketing, 'MLM', and Multi-Level Marketing are all terms that refer to the same type of business model. While many close-minded people outside the industry (and others who've tried it and failed), have biased or negative wrong impressions, and despite the fact that it is used and abused by many crooks and con-artists, this business model has exceptional performance potential.


This unique business has millions of distributors doing billions of pounds in sales annually. It is conducted in nearly 100 countries around the world. It has been praised by leading business people and also by heads of state for boosting the economy.

Network Marketing is based on the concept of 'networking'.  MLM and network marketing is huge. It is a +$100 billion dollar per year industry which offers an accessible way for the average person to launch a legitimate business with the potential of generating very substantial income. It affords you the opportunity to launch a business on a part-time basis, and grow that into a full-time (or more) income. 
And it requires the least amount of start-up capital and on-going operating expense of virtually any legitimate business model. It’s a Golden opportunity to become a part of mlm prelaunch.

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